Art Facts Website Launched - MusicNSW

9 in 10 Australians listen to music every week, but only 4 in 10 exercise weekly. A new website, Art Facts, offers facts like this in an attempt to reveal information about the financial and emotional realities of music and other art forms.

The site combines data from the Australia Council, APRA | AMCOS, ARIA, PPCA, Live Performance Australia, the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other industry reports.

Although Art Facts currently only lists facts about music, visual arts, dance, theatre, and literature will be added in the near future. Ideally, this resource will serve to educate both those within the industry as well as consumers of the realities of the arts in Australia. For example, although Australians spend $2 Billion on music every year, musicians only make an average of $7,200 per year.

To visit Art Facts for yourself, head here.