Round 20 of CMTP Now Open - MusicNSW

The Contemporary Music Touring Program provides opportunities for a wide range of music to tour the country – including but not limited to, rock, pop, jazz, folk, country and Indigenous music.

The program is committed to supporting touring opportunities for Australian musicians, and increasing audience access to live and original Australian contemporary music, particularly in regional and remote Australia.

All professional members of the Australian music industry including performers, managers, agents, music networks and music organisations representing all contemporary music genres are eligible to apply.

The process is competitive and applicants need to demonstrate the strongest claims against the assessment criteria which are contained in the guidelines.

Applications will be assessed by the Contemporary Music Touring Program Committee and approved by the Minister for the Arts.

Applicants should read the downloadable Guidelines before making an application.
The Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) will assist you in determining which cities, towns and locations which are designated regional or remote.

The Round 20 closing date is 6 September 2010 for tours commencing after 1 January 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact the program at or on 1800 819 461.