First Nations - MusicNSW
EPK Masterclasses for First Nations artists

Are you a First Nations artist or band booking shows or releasing new music? Join one of our masterclasses and put your best foot forward with a professional Electronic Press Kit (EPK).

Equip yourself with everything you need to promote yourself to venue bookers, festival curators and media in this masterclass designed to empower First Nations artists based in NSW, led by industry expert Travis De Vries (Awesome Black).

First Nations EPK Masterclasses
Guides, checklists and templates

Get information on everything from music copyright, to writing a bio or getting your music on the radio in our collection of guides, checklists and templates developed for First Nations artists and industry workers. 


Book in for a one-on-one grant writing session and you'll be guided through the array of grants that are currently available, get help figuring out which ones apply to your situation, along with tailored resources and general advice on how to put your best foot forward.

Yiradhu Marang, my name is Kaleena Smith and I am the First Nations Development Coordinator at MusicNSW.

My role here is to provide direct support to NSW-based First Nations creatives, and connect them to opportunities and resources that will help sustain their music endeavours. I hope to engage artists with pathways, workshops, funding opportunities and mentoring, while expanding their networks with other artists, industry and community both local and national.

I am very excited to work with and for our mob across the state. I originally hail from Naarm, on Wurundjeri Country but have lived most of my life in NSW on beautiful Gadigal Land. I am Wiradjuri/Yorta Yorta and have had the good fortune to be in the industry for over 22 years as a vocalist/songwriter/performer with Stiff Gins.

Kaleena Smith

By building music industry knowledge, connection and capacity, our mob will be empowered with the know-how to take their careers where they want them to go.

If you would like to learn more or just want to have a yarn, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. I’m looking forward to working with you all. You can email me at

See below to access help with writing grants and resources to support First Nations artists and music industry workers.

You can also sign up for my monthly MusicNSW First Nations Newsletter and the general MusicNSW news below.

Don't miss out on our updates and opportunities
First Nations MusicNSW logo
Yaladhu Winhanganha - I remember…

The First Nations MusicNSW logo design and graphics are inspired by my connection and memories of my culture and country.

As a Wiradjuri/Yorta Yorta woman and musician who has travelled and had the privilege to sing across our beautiful country, the design is a reflection of how music is woven and layered into the very fabric of our land.  

Music and our stories connect people and the songs that have always been here and the new ones created coalesce and become a part of the layers of land and water. Music is such an integral part of our First Nations community and is a reflection of generations of belonging, knowing and keeping.  

The lines in the logo represent that journey one makes as they sing to and across Country. The lines also represent life, journey and memory. The circles represent places and people, home. And the background represents the colours of our land that is vibrant, warm, welcoming and ancient. 

From the earth to waters and the stars
Our songs, our stories and keeping
Echo through the layers deep within and high above
We belong to it
As a limb, as breath, as touch…
