2011 Indent Partnership Grant Applications Open - MusicNSW

Have you got a great idea for an event? Have you been working on something but find that its time to grow and make it bigger?

The Indent Partnership Grants Applications are now open, but this year there is a special twist. There are now two categories in which you can apply for grants: Grassroots Event Funding and Event Development Funding.

Essentially the idea is the same: manage an all ages music event but the Grassroots Event Funding is aimed towards events and teams that are just starting out- those who are testing the waters, if you will. And the Event Development Funding is for more established events and teams- those who can grow their event and are able to push their ideas further.

So head over to the Grants page and check out all the details- you can even download the application guidelines- these will help you immensely when lodging your application.

Don’t forget the closing date for applications is Thursday 5pm November 5, 2010. Only applications postmarked on or before this date will be accepted.

2011 Partnership Grants will be assessed late November and successful applicants notified on December 6, 2010.

For more info, see the Grants page, or contact Meg via email at meg@musicnsw.com or by phone on (02) 9281 1600.

* Picture: Mitch McMillan- Winner of Best Photography ISAAC Award, 2010. The image has also been used as the cover of the 2011 Partnership Grant Application Pack.