$177.4m paid to songwriters by APRA/AMCOS - MusicNSW

APRA/AMCOS have revealed that they have paid 323,311 songwriters, composers and music publishers a total of $177.4m this year.

  • 323,311 songwriters, composers and music publishers paid for the performance of over 822,000 unique musical works.
  • $177.4m paid to Australian and NZ APRA members, up 4.2% on 2012.
  • 12,443 APRA members were paid royalties for overseas performances of their works, up 15.4% on 2012.
  • There was a 9.8% increase in licensing revenue.
  • There was a 7% increase in live performance claims by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander members.

APRA AMCOS CEO Brett Cottle stated:

“Copyright is alive and well and is as indispensably relevant to music writers and music publishers in Australia and New Zealand as it has ever been.”

The 2012-2013 APRA AMCOS Year in Review including Sustainability Report can be read here.