Ditto Music offers MusicNSW Community Members 12 months of free digital distribution - MusicNSW

Ditto Music is an online music record label services and digital distribution company servicing over 60 000 artists across the world. Services include chart eligibility, royalty collection, online promotion and setup of labels and releases on specialty stores such as beatport. They also supply unsigned artists with access to online stores such as Spotify, iTunes and numerous other online stores and streaming sites.

Ditto Music are offering all MusicNSW community members 12 months of free digital distribution across their international platforms to the following list of stores worldwide. After the 12 month period, annual subscription fees will apply. (single – $9, EP – $20, album – $35). If you would like any additional services, this will be charged at our regular fees. 

To view the Ditto Music terms and conditions head here: www.dittomusic.com/terms/?

Ditto music offers a non-exclusive contract, meaning you can work with other companies at the same time. You can also remove your releases at any time, without any termination fees. Any questions or queries please contact support@dittomusic.com or call their Melbourne office on 03 9077 4367 between 10-6pm weekdays.

Stores included are:







Beats Music

24/7 Entertainment


Basepoint Media




Sony Qriocity

Google Play

JB Hi-Fi

To take advantage of this offer, head to www.dittomusic.com, and sign up. You will be prompted to enter a coupon code while adding your release – add your MusicNSW community member number and you will automatically receive the Music NSW offer. 

To receive your member number, simply sign up to our free newsletter then get in contact with us on info@musicnsw.com with Community Number as the subject header.