Funding Calendar - MusicNSW

Funding Calendar

Application Open Date Close Date Organisation Grant Name Grant Amount Website
Ongoing Ongoing Support Act Crisis Relief Grants Crisis Relief Grants and support are available to musicians, managers, crew and music workers across all genres experiencing financial hardship as the result of illness, injury, mental health, older age or another current crisis that is impacting their ability to work in music. Grants are assessed for a current issue impacting ability to work in music and, if approved, will be provided through direct payment of bills or other personal expenses related to the crisis, rather than cash grants. View Details
12 March 2024 Ongoing Destination NSW Regional Event Fund: Event Development The Event Development stream of the Regional Event Fund provides strategic grants of up to $50,000 to established events previously funded through the Flagship Event stream. These grants aim to support initiatives that increase overnight visitation and promote tourism growth. The application window remains open until all funds are allocated. View Details
6 June 2024 26 July 2024 NATSIMO & Music Australia LIFECYCLE: Recording Grants The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO), with funding from Music Australia, is excited to announce the first series of LIFECYCLE Recording Grants, which will provide 12 grants of $20,000 towards high-quality recording sessions of new music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators. View Details
1 July 2024 16 August 2024 Regional Arts NSW Regional Arts Fund (RAF) Project Grants The Project Grants funds high-quality arts projects benefiting regional or remote artists, arts workers, audiences and communities. The project's focus could include any areas of creative practice, multiple art forms, or cross-disciplinary practice. Grants of up to $30,000 are available through the Project Grants stream. There is no minimum grant amount for Quick Response or Project Grants. View Details
22 July 2024 3 September 2024 Creative Australia Contemporary Music Touring Program The Contemporary Music Touring Program (CMTP) supports national tours by Australian musicians performing original Australian contemporary music. Tours must include at least three performances outside the performer's hometown. Priority is given to tours in regional and remote areas or those aiding performers from these areas. Grants range from $5,000 to $50,000, based on the number of regional or remote venues. View Details
18 July 2024 10 September 2024 The Ian Potter Cultural Trust Emerging Artist Grants The Emerging Artist Grants program offers grants of up to $15,000 to assist talented emerging and early-career artists in taking up professional development opportunities, usually overseas. View Details
1 February 2024 30 November 2024 Regional Arts NSW Quick Response Grants Quick Response Grants are delivered monthly from February to November and support immediate need that arises where activity is unable to be planned for or supported in other funding rounds, for example taking up professional development, skills development or small project opportunities at short notice. Individuals can apply for up to $3000, organisations can apply for up to $5000. View Details