What City of Sydney’s new 24-hour trading proposal means for Sydney’s nightlife - MusicNSW
Feedback 2018-Sydney

Big news!! City of Sydney is proposing 24-hour trading in the CBD, later trading on high streets and the creation of new precincts in Sydney. Yep, you read correctly - 24-hour trading in the CBD!

The City is currently reviewing planning controls that dictate when and where certain types of businesses can operate - and if it gets passed at Council, it'll mean more options and clarity for Sydney businesses.

While this won't impact the Lockout Laws or override state liquor regulation, it's a fantastic step in the right direction, particularly for creating a better range of late-night activities that aren't just about booze like dining and retail and music and theatre and art.

It's great to see an exciting vision for Sydney that actually reflects the views of its people. Sydney's nightlife won't change overnight, but it will change for the better if these reforms are adopted by Council. So this is very welcome news. ???

Read more on the proposed changes here.