Community Members - MusicNSW

Become A Member of MusicNSW. It’s FREE!

Becoming a member of MusicNSW is free, and allows both musicians and music industry professionals access to a wide range of deals, special offers and discounts. Being a member of MusicNSW entitles you to a range of Australian music industry benefits, such as the travel deals offered by AMIN & Travel Beyond Group and the Virgin Australia or QANTAS’ discount baggage deals for musicians and touring industry professionals. To become a member of MusicNSW, fill out the simple form below.

By becoming a member of MusicNSW, you can benefit from:

AMIN & TRAVEL BEYOND GROUP Travel Deals for Musicians
VIRGIN Discount Luggage Deals
QANTAS Discount Luggage Deals
Affordable Hot Desks & Office Space


In order to access the portal and take advantage of the travel deal, first you need to become a member of MusicNSW, which is 100% free.

To sign up as a new member of MusicNSW, fill out the sign up form below. From there you will be sent a confirmation email containing your username and password. You then head back to this page and login to our site in the box above, using the username and password emailed to you.

Already a member of MusicNSW? Due to the upgrade in our membership sign up system, you will need to get yourself a password, because in the past we only issued your member numbers. To get your password, enter your email and click on the ‘Forgot My Password’ button under the member login box above. From there you will be emailed a password which you can use to login to the site.

Once you are logged into our site as a member, it will tell you what your member number is, and you will be able to access the Travel Beyond portal. Once you get to the actual portal, you will need to ‘Create A New User’ account with Travel Beyond. You do not login to the Travel Beyond portal with your MusicNSW username and password, you must set up a separate account with Travel Beyond. Instructions on how to ‘Create A New User’ are provided once you log in to the membership area of the MusicNSW website. You MUST read the instructions in order to know how to set up an account with Travel Beyond.

If you have any further enquiries about the Travel Beyond booking process, we have put together a comprehensive FAQ which should answer all your questions. After reading the FAQ, if you have more enquiries contact MusicNSW / 02 9953 5279.

Head here to become a member.