Sydney hosts digital radio’s global WorldDMB Forum - MusicNSW

Australia’s plans to introduce digital radio sees Sydney hosting the global WorldDMB Forum on November 30. The WorldDMB Forum is a London based a global trade body coordinating the introduction of digital radio worldwide based on the Eureka 147 DAB system. It represents public and private broadcasters, network and transmission providers and radio manufacturers from 40 countries. The Forum’s 12-person committee is gained from 12 countries — with Australia represented by the Commercial Radio Australia, the ABC and SBS.

Lindsay Cornell, the chair of the WorldDMB Technical Committee, said there was a great deal of international interest in Australia’s plans to introduce digital radio in 2009. “Our goal is to encourage international cooperation on the successful introduction of digital radio worldwide and we are very interested in the work being done in Australia,” he said. “DAB+ allows more content options, both high quality audio and new multimedia services, which offer significant enhancements for consumers in the digital age.”

Commercial Radio Australia will also hold a digital radio seminar for the radio broadcasting industry in Sydney on Thursday, November 29. The seminar, which is by invitation only, provides an opportunity for digital radio equipment suppliers, broadcast infrastructure suppliers and receiver manufacturers from Australia and overseas to present to the industry.