Radical Son - MusicNSW

david_porch final

From hip hop roots through to soulful social statement Radical Son is a man with a purpose. His music, both potent and sublime, conjures uncompromising visions of where we’ve come from and what could be. His songwriting charts his path from a troubled past to humility and healing. With disarming voice and electric presence Radical Son delivers universal messages for discerning minds.

1. What was the first band you saw live?
Public Enemy is the first I can remember.

2. What’d you learn from them?
Backstage can get really hectic if there’s no security.

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?
A few deep breaths, and positive affirmation.

4. What do you think the most important issue effecting artists in NSW is


5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
At some Australian: either prison, rugby league or uni.

6. Most inspirational Indigenous act you have seen live?
Darren Dunn.

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