The Scare - MusicNSW


Answered by Liam O’Brien

1. What was the first band you saw live?
The Toothfaries. They were this really eccentric, rhythmic, folk band from Brisbane in the 90’s. I was 8 or 9 and my dad was selling dream catchers and hand made wind chimes at the Woodford Folk Festival. I was asleep when I heard them playing to hundred’s of stoned/tripping hippies on a stage near
our tent.

2. What’d you learn from them?
I learned to not be a rock but ‘to make like a rover and flow’ and I guess now looking back on it they showed that a good groove and considered beat is the most important thing in a song.

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?
I like to read the local street press of whatever town we are in and get to know what’s happening in their scene.
4. What do you think the most important issue effecting artists in NSW is today?
Poker Machines.

5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
I would be an anthropologist and the rest of my band would be my major case study as we all come from a very peculiar place!

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