Catcall - MusicNSW


Photo: Cybele Malinowski

1. What was the first band you saw live?
The first band I saw live was Grinspoon at Manly Youth Cenre.

2. What’d you learn from them?
That playing music looks incredibly fun!

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?
Before a performance I mainly do a bunch of vocal warm ups, drink some hot water and relax with the rest of the band. Right before the show we all get together and hype ourselves up!

4. What do you think the most important issue effecting aritsts in NSW is today?
Probably finding their voice and trying to stand out I think. The situation has improved a lot for NSW artists with more live venues, better licencing laws and the rising popularity of live music. There’s a lot on offer now for audiences, more choice means it’s harder to get noticed as an artist.

5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
If I wasn’t a musician I would be working in film or television production. It’s something I’ve done in the past, working as a production assistant for feature films. I still want to write and produce TV and feature film someday.

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