Made in Japan - MusicNSW

Left to right: Mike Williams (previously on Bass guitar) James Cooney (Lead Vox and drums) Tom Davis (Guitar and vox) John Graham (Guitar and vox)

1. What was the first band you saw live?
First I can vaguely recollect was going to see Paul Kelly at the State theatre when I was about 8 or 9 the first band I can clearly remember was Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals at the Hordern when I was about 14.

2. What’d you learn from them?
Couldn’t say I learned anything directly from them but you could say it was kind of the beginning of my appreciation for live music.

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?
Nothing in particular other than the occasional practical joke amongst band members.

4. What do you think the most important issue effecting artists in NSW is today?
I don’t know about THE most but one of the most important issues effecting artists and bands today, particularly emerging bands or artists, is just getting your music heard. Myspace and other social networking sites have done wonders for getting exposure but are still relatively narrow in terms of reaching new listeners. Commercial radio stations have a very very narrow rotation which is mainly restricted to top 40 types of bands and artists and community radio stations just don’t have the funding to compete. Even in terms of life performance it’s quite difficult to reach new listeners without some sort of record label backing to get good support slots etc.

5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
Something to do with making movies. I’m actually trying to start a career as an Animator right now.