Richard In Your Mind - MusicNSW

With the release of their second record, Sydney’s Richard in Your Mind have fleshed out their line up, are touring the country with Cloud Control and bassist Conrad Richters sat down to answer our quessies.

1. What was the first band you saw live?
Midget opening for Tumbleweed and Kim Salmon & the Surrealists at the Phoenician Club. I was about 13, I remember my friend and I smoked weed with some random big fat guy in a singlet in the lane outside the venue. The gig was deafeningly loud and I got banged around in the mosh. Later I became friends with Chris from Midget and his wife Skye who I later learned actually met at that very gig! Destiny!

2. What’d you learn from them?
That music is awesome and wild and crazy and even has the power to make 2 hearts beat as one.

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?
Sometimes we have a group hug. I guess we pretty much always drink a bit before we play, often we have dinner together too. Occasionally we sacrifice a pair of jeans.

4. What do you think the most important issue effecting artists in NSW is today?
I guess not having enough great venues and fearing that some of the best ones might be closing soon.

5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
If I wasn’t a musician I’d be a DJ.
