The Paper Scissors - MusicNSW

Discovered by radio including FBi and Triple J, the band’s first single “We Don’t Walk” captured the playfulness and self-assured outlook of youth developing a loyal fan base which was cemented with national touring. Now back with their second album, “ In Loving Memory”, The Paper Scissors have created a record for lovers of long-form albums, bringing together a range of influences and topics to create a truly international rock soundscape.

What was the first band you saw live?
Hmm this is a tricky one as I saw a collection of bands, I remember it was at the Hordern Pavilion, and it was a fund raiser for a little known radio station called FBI Radio – At the time they were still in testing phase, there was a competitor dance station, Wild FM who were trying to steal their frequency. From memory I watched a young spdgfh, Mark of Cain, Nitocris, Front End Loader, Blue Bottle Kiss, Silverchair played too just after the single tomorrow blew up, this was around 95…There was a few more bands but I don’t remember who..

What’d you learn from them?
I learnt that there was a lot of good music on our home turf, and while I had been looking overseas for my music at the time, listening to Faith No More, Helmet Melvins etc., I realised that there was probably a gamut of Australian music which I had been ignoring.

Got any pre-gig rituals?
Not particularly, but I like a good meal; If I eat badly, I usually get pretty annoyed, although not as much as Jai – he gets hangry! Its super funny… I also like finding the local gelato bar if there is one, and if there are none of those things… then it is 3-4 good beers from our rider if there is a rider provided, and if the beer is good enough. I guess I’m pretty picky, but I’d rather drink water than crap beer.

What do you think the most important issue facing artists in NSW is?
There are a few things that are important; first thing is there’s not enough support from the government to provide adequate funding for recording projects/ touring, even just promotion for a release/ or tour; not enough money put into awareness about the benefits of people like Music NSW; I think the most important issue is the lack of infrastructure to keep venues open to support live music, unfortunately particularly in NSW we now live in a time where rich property owners just want to buy our venues, and in their place put up apartments or Mexican restaurants..

If you weren’t a musician, what do you reckon you’d be doing?
I’ve always wanted to make a living from music, or art, but in this current climate it seems to be only a lucky few who genuinely make it… due to the high costs of living, and being unemployed is not a reasonable solution unless the government does an amazing backflip and implements a benefits scheme like they have in NZ called the artist dole, unfortunately I work in IT.
