Country Arts Support Program (CASP) Grants Now Open - MusicNSW

The Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is small grants for small locally initiated arts projects. Apply for up to $3000 for a project in your community.

Projects funded in the past have included (but are not limited to) workshops, performances, art making events, artist-in-residence programs, exhibitions, community seminars, public art and arts-based additions to festivals.

Who can apply: incorporated organisations, local government entities, groups/ ensembles auspiced by an incorporated association, school P&Cs. You don’t have to be an arts-based organisation to apply.

When is the funding for: projects happening January-December 2015.

What can the funding be spent on: the main focus of CASP is for artists fees and expenses.

Applications close October 1, 2014. For more details head here.