Gig Buddies Launches in Australia - MusicNSW

Gig Buddies is a fantastic new initiative launched in Australia which links adults who have a learning disability to a volunteer who has similar interests in music, or other activities, to go out together.

Gig Buddies has already had a successful launch in the UK, linking up volunteers with people who have learning disabilities so they can go to gigs, clubs, theatre performances and exhibitions.

“The initiative is based on the UK version of the program, which has had wide spread success”, said Sean Willenberg, Project Coordinator of Gig Buddies Sydney.

“We identified a need here and felt that Sydney and Australia would benefit from such an amazing concept. To be able to give people with learning disabilities the access the sort of social opportunities that many of us take for granted is something that we hope to achieve and build on.”

The initiative has enrolled 16 Gig Buddy participants; there aim is double the number of Gig Buddy participants and volunteers by October this year.

Gig Buddy volunteers have an interest and passion for live music, nights out and events. If you would like to become a Gig Buddy, head to or contact on or 02 9419 6951 for a volunteer form.