News - MusicNSW - Page 162

Protecting Live Venues Reminder

Just a reminder that the cause is still on the agenda. Parliamentarians are voting mid year and it’s important they hear our voices before they vote. The list of Parliament Members and their email addresses can be found at

Vibewire e-Festival

From April 4-8, Australias non-profit youth portal is holding an e-Festival – five days of online panels, short films, images, podcasts, guest columnists, published papers, opportunities and resources. e-Festival of Ideas is a conference taken online and democratised. It is the only forum of its kind – using the latest in online technologies to

Nescafé Big Break Competition

Each year Nescafé Big Break gives away cash grants to people aged between 16 and 24, who have a dream or idea and need some financial support to make it a reality. It is not an achievement award and anyone can win the grants. There are no categories and winners can be from any field

Amnesty International Freedom Writers Competition

Freedom Writers is a competition run by Amnesty International Australia, NSW Human Rights and Security Network and is designed to give amateur, unpublished, and recreational writers an outlet to express their individual concepts in a creative context whilst drawing attention to human rights abuses and humanitarian polemics. The competition is open to all ages: Writers

Sarah Kelly wins Big Day Out Contemporary Music Endowment

Congrats to all APRA PDA winners especially Sarah Kelly from NSW, who receieved the Big Day Out Contemporary Music Endowment. With the endowment Sarah plans to write more material for theredsunband and expand her skills through cowriting with other Australian songwriters. – Good luck with the writing Sarah.

Bar Broadway on it’s way Back

After disappearing from Sydney’s live music scene for a couple of years Bar Broadway is officially on its way back. Itching to deliver the city with high quality, culturally diverse entertainment, Bar Broadway will accommodate all genres from acoustic, hard rock, live funk to chilled beats 7 days a week. And that’s not all! Bar

MusicNSW responds to the draft Liquor Bill

MusicNSW submitted our response on Feb 10 to The Department Of Gaming and Racing on the Draft Liquor Bill. Having spent time looking through the Bill (not your standard bed time reading) we made the following comments. – We supported the move to an administrative structure. – We requested that an appeal process be considered

Whichway announces Regional Indigenous Music Workshops for March 06

Whichway, a project of MusicNSW, is pleased to announce six music workshops to go ahead in regional NSW. The workshops are designed to meet the needs of Indigenous musicians in local regional areas and Whichway staff will be working with local community groups and organisations to bring the workshops to life. Following an expressions of